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Monday, August 29, 2011

Positive thoughts - The key to be successful!

When we reflect on our lives and we look around, see "suffering" everywhere. Suffering involves several forms: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
People suffering from diseases and physical disorders, emotional and spiritual!
Today "have something" becomes more important than "being"!

This question has become increasingly complicated and at present many indulge in a rat race in search of "having" to acquire, so that even sick physically, emotionally and spiritually. We can also suffer because we are sensitive and let our emotions dominate and each day we will reap the benefits of these choices, these emotions, these competitions, and generally these fruits are nothing sweet and savory ...

Anyway, no one is exempt from suffering in some way because "suffering" is universal! The biggest dilemma is how to deal with it and know how to react to every action of the same attack. Find the balance is the big win - it is impossible to live without the suffering in our lives! The best way then is to face it head on and make it become an ally! Remember: pain attracts more suffering, more worries and concerns attract everything happens as our minds, even unconsciously, determines.
So keep positive thoughts and be optimistic and so you will always win all the battles ...