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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Soul's voice

We all seek happiness ... And we used to go many ways we do not always lead to it ... Often even the further away the point where happiness lies ... We learn to want things that do not really want ... In total inconsistency with our nature ... From childhood we are led to believe that happiness will be found in things outside of us ...
The voice of the ego calls us in many ways!
Increasingly attractive and more convincing, and again embarked in this quest ... Which has no connection with our deepest desire ...

 And we can get lost among so many wrong calls! Trying to reach the end where there are many promises that never are fulfilled!
But we can choose to hear another voice! A voice that speaks softly inviting us to discover our own path!It is the voice of the Soul ... To follow this call of the soul you need courage,  detachment and lots of Faith

Courage because at some points you need to build your own road !Detachment of the concepts, rules, and especially the ego!

And leave room for new things that make sense to our story ...
And faith to trust in the ways that the Soul, nowing that, tells us here do not exist limits of our rational mind and that the impossible can become possible...
When we open ourselves to follow the voice of the Soul ... Gradually we discover that happiness
is not in the promised end ... but in every step that we are connected with
our Divine purpose ...

We realize that happiness is an attribute of each one of us!

And we will reach a point where we can not escape the call that comes from the Soul ...
Because that voice is becoming so common and so natural that we understand that is the only voice that shows us the way back home!
Listen to the voice of your soul and follow those paths!
So you'll realize that beyond the well-known there are many possibilities ...
Even to be happy ...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Om Shanti Om

Peace for all of you!!


Some people have constantly for a few periods a dream that repeats itself. These repetitive dreams usually have important messages that need to be decoded, because they show the existence of a reality that needs urgently to be part of our conscious life. Shows the existence of a conflict already installed, which can strongly influence personality.

They usually involve a remarkable experience in the recent past, the present life, or remote, in previous lives.
It contains messages, warnings, alerts and special information, sometimes even past lives. On waking we remember those dreams in a very clear, as if the dream had been real.

The repetitive or recurring dream only happens because we can not understand or put into practice the message of the unconscious. People who are very resistant to change, which has a very rigid superego are the ones that have this kind of experience.

A recurrent dream is surely a very special meaning for the person, therefore it is necessary a greater reflection of its content.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Ayurveda, the Indian medical science of life, prescribes four goals in life and teaches the methods to achieve them. The righteous path of life, material wealth, enjoying the righteous pleasures of life and Emerging of the self into the Eternal Omnipotence are the four goals of Ayurvedic life.

The whole world is turning to Ayurveda, a South Indian medical system, which carries a legacy running to thousands of years. It stands on solid research background although only now many of the western countries have begun to acknowledge it. Ayurveda is the science of life. It aims at achieving the fullness of life. It teaches how one can live a successful life. Diseases are the hindrances of happiness in human life. Ayuveda tells us how we can lead a life without any disease and also how we can be protected from the diseases that may attack us occasionally. It prescribes the FOUR important goals of life. They are: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
DharmaDharma means service to the society. Every successful human life has to pass through these four stages of goals. Man is a social animal. Dharma is the adjustment of life with himself and with the society around him, i.e., his family, his kith and kin, his village, his country, etc. The frictions against his own self or against others make him uneasy and sick.

Dharma means to follow the path of righteousness and living one’s life according to the codes of conduct as described by the Vedic laws. Observance of Dharma enables humans to be contented and happy which enables a harmonious and peaceful life. It saves the individual as well as the others around him from all sufferings. It makes the earth a place of heavenly bliss! Without Dharma human coexistence is impossible!

Life as a single, then loving others, marrying and settling in life, raising a family, all these experiences of life come under the practice of Dharma! Whatever creates conflict and harms unity and harmony is Adharma.

Ayurveda prescribes in detail methods and ways to reach these four goals of life. In short, Dharma promotes divine love and universal brotherhood!

Artha literally means wealth. Material wealth is very essential for the overall happiness and well being of an individual as well as the society s a whole. Any individual requires wealth, because he has to perform many duties to uphold dharma and ensure the welfare and progress of his family and society. How can a person uphold Dharma, if he has no money or any wealth with him? Hence Ayurveda has rightly placed the material wealth (Artha) as the second most important goal of life.

Artha does not mean amassing wealth and live a luxurious life of selfishness! Rather it means that it should promote Dharma or justice in each and every step of life. It is also managing material wealth in a righteous way.

KamaKama means seeking pleasure or fulfillment of desires through which the true love and happiness of the individual and the society is promoted. It causes the wellbeing and development of the society. Ayurvedic Sutras say, “In the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma, Artha, and Kama.” Human life from childhood until death is a journey of achieving the ultimate goal of Moksha (heavenly bliss) through the former three goals. Human life is to achieve Moksha through happiness of sharing and it is not a life to waste in mourning.
Ayurveda teaches and encourages people to enjoy everything and fulfill all material desires. Reaching the ultimate goal Moksha is a long process. It can be achieved only when all material desires are fulfilled.

Kama does not bring any bad sense as it is interpreted by some narrow minded people now. It is the pure pursuit of love which leads to the Eternal Love of Divinity!

Moksha is the ultimate goal of every human existence. As St. Augustine says, “Lord1 we are created in your image and until we reach you our souls cannot find rest,” the goal of Ayurvedic life is to reach the Eternal Bliss through righteous living.

It defines the relationship between the devotee and the divine is that of submission, reverence, and adoration. The whole human life is a Yoga of worship through Dharma, Artha and Kama. That is why Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita, “Oh Arjuna! Whatever you do, eat, offer as an oblation, give as a gift or undertake as a penance, offer all that to me.” Doing exercises and meditation under the guidance of a guru is another way of reaching Moksha. This second path focuses more on the individual’s relationship with the divine, and the objective is to push out all outside distractions.

Ayurveda is not a mere system of medicine. It is a path of life. It states clearly that only the imbalance of the way of human life causes diseases and so only by correcting the life style man can achieve health. Hence it gives equal importance to all the four goals without any of this taking precedence over the others. This is in order to attain a fulfilled and meaningful life. Neglecting any one of these goals would mean instability and a dangerous imbalance in human life which will surely lead to disease and disaster.


Snatam Kaur

Snatam Kaur personifies the meaning of her name: universal, nucleus, and friend to all. These themes have expressed themselves in a variety of ways throughout her life, and are particularly present in her music.

Snatam Kaur Khalsa born 1972 in Trinidad, Colorado), is an American singer and songwriter. She performs the Indian devotional music, kirtan and tours around the world as a peace activist. She lives in Española, New Mexico. Like all female Sikhs, she shares the name "Kaur", meaning "princess".
Her family moved to California when Snatam was two, living in Long Beach and Sacramento. When Snatam was six, the family went to India where her mother studied Kirtan. Snatam lived on a ranch near Bolinas, California until 8th grade and then moved to Mill Valley in 1986. During her childhood, she played kirtan with her mother in Sikh temples and at Sikh religious ceremonies. She attended Tamalpais High School in Mill Valley. While at Tam High, she played violin in the school orchestra and began songwriting. Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead coached her and her classmates before they performed her song Saving the Earth at an Earth Day concert in San Francisco on April 22, 1990.
Snatam was also active in social and environmental causes while in high school, serving as president of the social action club known as, "Students for Justice," in her Senior year. The club started a campus recycling program and organized environmental awareness programs. The club also led the effort to change the school mascot and sports team names from the Indians to the Red Tailed Hawk in 1989 and 1990 due to a speech given at the school by Sacheen Littlefeather.
After graduating from Tam, Snatam attended Mills College in Oakland, California, receiving a bachelors degree in biochemistry. She then returned to India, to study Kirtan under her mother's teacher, Bhai Hari Singh. In 1997, Kaur began a career as a food technologist with Peace Cereals in Eugene, Oregon.
In 2000, Spirit Voyage Records founder GuruGanesha Singh welcomed the young artist to his label, and signed on as her manager and guitarist. Working with a sterling ensemble of talented musicians and the brilliant New Age music producer Thomas Barquee, Snatam has generated one critically acclaimed album after another, including the bestselling CDs Prem, Shanti, Grace, Anand, and Liberation's Door. “It seems to take nine months to make a new CD. It’s a creative and spiritual process. I bow my head and ask God, ‘What do you want to deliver?’ And the energy always comes through.” “Music is essential in my personal practice. It’s the core spiritual practice of Sikhs. Sacred music transports me to the experience of peace every time I sing and play. It’s my prayer that everyone who listens will experience that too. “My music is an offering to people of all faiths. Many of the words are in Gurumukhi, the sacred language of the Sikhs. This language was designed to provide healing just by listening to it or reciting it. “I play the harmonium, guitar and violin, but my main instrument is my voice. It’s the “A man came up to us after a concert and asked when we were coming back,” Snatam remembers. “I said I’m coming back in a year, and that made him really sad. He didn’t think he could wait that long to feel so good again! “Yoga is the tool you can use on a daily basis so you don’t have to be dependent on our concert our anyone else’s.”

Snatam offers tools for maintaining a balanced and loving internal state with her “Creating Inner Peace through Kundalini Yoga and Meditation” workshops. These classes provide instruction in the technology of Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Chanting is an essential part of the Kundalini Yoga practice. “There’s an actual yogic and scientific effect that happens when you sit with a straight spine and chant,” Snatam says. “The energy rises through the spinal cord to the top of the head and there the tenth gate opens, which is the connection with the Infinite. “ By chanting at home, and practicing Kundalini Yoga, anyone can stay tapped into the bliss they experience at Snatam’s concerts all year long.
 Sikh influenceThe essence of being a Sikh is that one lives one’s life according to the teachings of the Sikh Gurus, devoting time to meditating on God and the scriptures, chanting, and living life in a way that benefits other people and the world. Sikhism emphasizes the truth that everyone is equal in God’s eyes whatever their social status, religious beliefs, or gender. Sikhs do not believe that any one religion has a monopoly on the truth and do not regard their traditions and practices as the only way to God.
Sikhism is a dynamic world religion that began in India in the mid-fifteenth century with the enlightened master Guru Nanak (1469-1539 C.E.). Guru Nanak was followed by nine Gurus, each of whom brought a unique gift to the planet. From the message of universal acceptance of all human beings that Guru Nanak brought, to the great warrior spirit of the tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, Sikhs were given a great example of how to live an exalted life; in a sense creating heaven on earth. Sikhs are householders, practice meditation on a daily basis, keep a vegetarian diet, keep their hair unshorn, and wear the Sikh clothing (most notably the turban).
Snatam’s own teacher was Yogi Bhajan(1929-2004). He was the most influential Sikh in American history, helping promote the Sikh tradition in the West. Upon his passing religious and political leaders recognized him and honored him. The Dalai Lama called him a saint, and the US Congress passed a resolution honoring him for his outstanding contribution not only to Sikhs but to people of all walks of life. Sikhs are known for their service to people of all walks of life through their free kitchen programs called “langar”. When the emperor of India came to seek the advice of the third Guru, Guru Amar Das, he was asked to eat the langar, and was given a place to sit that happened to be next to a beggar who was also partaking of the community meal. The emperor was actually inspired by the experience. Through the langar program, and the message of Guru Nanak “Ek Ong Kaar,” which means the One God is the Creator within all beings, Sikhism contributed greatly to breaking down the caste system in India.

Sikhism is based on the Shabad Guru. “Shabad is the sacred energy or recitation of sound, and Guru means the living teacher,” Snatam explains. “For Sikhs, our living Guru exists within the sacred words of our tradition. As part of our daily practice we take a sacred divine reading from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, which is a collection of writings from enlightened teachers and sages in India. It includes the Sikh Gurus, but also incorporates saints from other traditions. These sacred poems were originally sung in specific notes, and have been passed down to us exactly as the words were originally recited by our Gurus. “The energy of these songs are alive and gives us healing and guidance. The living presence of the Guru through sound is our foundation. We really feel the Shabad Guru has blessed our lives, and when we sing it, it affects our physical body and our environment. The reason we practice it every day is so we can create within us that resonance of peace, and then go out into the world with that resonance still supporting our words, and still in our thoughts, and still creating the light around us.”

[edit] Personal lifeToday Snatam lives in Espanola, New Mexico with her husband Sopurkh Singh Khalsa and their baby daughter Jap Preet Kaur. “My husband was the answer to my prayers. One day at the Winter Solstice gathering I went to the Gurdwara (Sikh temple) to pray to God and Guru to find me a husband. I said to God just before opening the doors to the Gurdwara, ‘I can’t find anyone. I surrender this to you.’ When I walked over the threshold I saw that Sopurkh was the only other person sitting in the Gurudwara. He was meditating and looked absolutely peaceful and radiant.” They were married in January 2006.
“He’s a steady spiritual rock for me and my music. And now my daughter is the answer to the prayers I never knew that I had. She is full of love light and joy, and we are so blessed to have her presence in our lives and to be able to serve her in any way we can."
What does Snatam do when she’s not teaching or singing? “Every day I do yoga and meditation with my husband and daughter. That’s key for me. My spiritual practice doesn’t falter even when we're on tour. It’s a total time of connection and rejuvenation. “I’m continuing to study Indian classical music. I spend a lot of time on that. I also absolutely love to cook and explore new recipes. The first place we go when we get home from a tour is to the grocery store, so we can cook a meal! “We also love to be outside. We have a huge garden—we like to hike and to garden. Someone told me, ‘A great way to see the planet is to walk.’ We walk a lot! "We also have a lot of play dates with other children here in our community. It is really wonderful how many children there are for Jap Preet to play with. We are really blessed to live here in Espanola, New Mexico in the spiritual community affectionately called "Hacienda de Guru Ram Das."

“It seems that there will be more recording opportunities. So, I intend to always keep growing in the art of Gurubani Sikh music.”
way I communicate with my Creator.”

Monday, August 29, 2011

Positive thoughts - The key to be successful!

When we reflect on our lives and we look around, see "suffering" everywhere. Suffering involves several forms: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
People suffering from diseases and physical disorders, emotional and spiritual!
Today "have something" becomes more important than "being"!

This question has become increasingly complicated and at present many indulge in a rat race in search of "having" to acquire, so that even sick physically, emotionally and spiritually. We can also suffer because we are sensitive and let our emotions dominate and each day we will reap the benefits of these choices, these emotions, these competitions, and generally these fruits are nothing sweet and savory ...

Anyway, no one is exempt from suffering in some way because "suffering" is universal! The biggest dilemma is how to deal with it and know how to react to every action of the same attack. Find the balance is the big win - it is impossible to live without the suffering in our lives! The best way then is to face it head on and make it become an ally! Remember: pain attracts more suffering, more worries and concerns attract everything happens as our minds, even unconsciously, determines.
So keep positive thoughts and be optimistic and so you will always win all the battles ...